Sunday, September 6, 2020


Film Locations:

Kristy's hometown of St. Helens, Oregon is known for the first Twilight movie and the Disney channel movie Halloweentown. She lived in St. Helens from 1984 to 2021. St. Helens, Oregon is where she hopes the potential, screenplay production of, "Who Are You" is filmed.


Try filming at this address, where Kristy lived between 1984 and 1998.

184 S. 2nd St., Saint Helens OR. 97051. 


Courthouse square downtown St. Helens with the Backstreet Boy Sphynkter goons.

David and Krystill Jesus Hat St. Frederick's Catholic Church 

175 S. 13th Street, St. Helens


Columbia River downtown St. Helens Walking on water.

St. Helens Middle School 15th St. Lark and Krystill.


Mental Health Office Scenes / Indoors and Outdoors

58646 McNulty Way St. Helens, OR 97051 58646 McNulty Way St. Helens, OR 97051OR 97051


Adventists Hospital Portland Oregon psychiatric ward scenes.

Portland Park Blocks Bird House In Your Soul


David calls Krystill on split screen from 

Freedom House Vancouver Washington

8613 NE St. Johns Road, Vancouver Washington, 98665



20024 Silver Falls HWY SE Sublimity OR. 97385 Fishing scenes.

97136 zip code Rockaway Beach Big Tree Boardwalk for Owl Bert, Roseanne, and Sam Eagle tree scenes.

Beavers Andy Griffith song McCormick park trail on the other side of creek, across the bridge, in St. Helens Oregon on 18th street.


Amesbury, England, S T O N E H E N G E

